metaverse virtual event services
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Novac Immerz offers virtual event platforms that are custom designed to satisfy specifications and business needs, empowering social interaction between the participants. We provide live content streaming, social sharing, and on-demand streaming services.

With Novac Immerz, stream your videos, schedule pr-recorded videos, or enable private chat rooms with a click of a button

metaverse virtual event development

Explore possibilities of a Virtual Event Platform

A strategically curated virtual platform for a higher ROI

Use Cases of Virtual Events

metaverse event platform development

Virtual Conference

Invite your stakeholders to a customized event platform with multiple branding factors and sessions for your upcoming partner meetup or award ceremony with Novac Immerz’s Virtual Events.

metaverse virtual events solutions

Digital Product Launches

Showcase your new product, service, or update globally with Novac Immerz’s Virtual events present 3D product replicas with your customers virtually.

metaverse event platform development

Online Training and Workshops

metaverse event platform development company

Virtual Photo Booth

Create a virtual photobooth for your event attendees to click selfies and share it with the real world, creating brand visibility and reach.

Why Your Business Needs to Host a Virtual Event

  • Good Brand Impression
  • Enhances Sponsor and Exhibitor Value
  • Social and Networking Opportunities
  • Offers Attendee Feedback
  • Potential Leads
  • Saves Cost and Time

Ready to Transform Your Business with Novac Immerz?

Fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible. Our team is happy to answer all your queries.

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